Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday Morning Climb

Top of the World: http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=wl&hl=en

It's only a 20.5 mile round trip from my house to there on the Aliso Creek Trail through Wood Canyon, but it's all up for half the ride, and hairy down on the way back.
It's a curious phenomena when coming up on pedestrians, that no matter how far back from them you call out, they think you are about to run them down. I'll like to tell them that straining to climb a rutted rise is hard enough without the prospect of navigating over a slow moving lump of hiker. Just move over, I'll miss you, but stopping, turning around, marinating on which way to go, causes me more stress, causes me to lose my line, and is the reason I fell over like a rag doll....

2:00:23 20.71 miles.

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