Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teach Your Children Well

This election could well be a metaphor for that old CSN&Y song. Those who were not taught so well will be mindlessly voting for someone who they think will make them feel good. Those who were well taught will see the tripe in the campaign speeches, hold their noses and vote in a way that will forestall our march to socialism for a few more years.

Sadly, Liberals have taught our children well - my generations elders would never allow the disrespect and language used by kids today who know they only have to scream loudly to get any adult arrested. In the Liberal mindset taught in today's schools no one has the right to tell anyone else what is right or wrong, so little boys can get bjs from little girls in school and tell adults who object to f.o. with impunity.

Of course, there's still time to teach our children well. Home schooling and this:

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