Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Maybe Nothing

Nothing like this:

but the precinct I worked yesterday had some quirks that were just weird.

First, the voters in this precinct went for Mitt and B-HO by twice as many votes.

Second, we opened at 7:00 AM and closed at 8:00 PM. The voters who came in during the day were mostly voting Dem (in Cal, only registered Republicans can vote Republican). After about 5PM, the make up of the voters was mostly Republican. Can you draw any conclusions from that?

There were some new voters, and new citizens who voted. They were so happy to be able to do so. That aspect was very rewarding, and we made much out of thanking them for voting (regardless of affiliation, in case you're thinking otherwise).

During the day, we had several people who were on the rolls as NP - no preference. These ballots have no candidates on them,but the NP voters can request a Dem, Green, Libertarian, or any ballot with a candidate on it.

More than a couple of NP voters approached us after casting their NP ballot asking for a Republican ballot because they wanted to vote for a Republican. Of course, we couldn't issue a second ballot, but a couple of them got ballots anyway which were voided by the Inspector.

After 5:00 about half the NP voters asked why they weren't on the rolls as Republican, they had been life long Republicans and had never changed affiliation. One woman was outraged that she was given a Dem ballot when she and her husband were both Republicans.

There were a few Republicans who requested an Independent or NP ballot because they were unhappy with any of the Republicans, and there were a few Democrats who asked why there were no Republicans on their ballot. They seemed stunned to learn that Republicans didn't want anyone other than a Republican selecting their candidate. They were mostly angry that they weren't permitted to vote for anyone they wanted, but none I talked to claimed to really be a Republican.

There were a few who couldn't find or remember what precinct they were to vote in. They all got provisional ballots, just in case they were thinking they could vote more than once. Who knows whether these ballots will (as happened in WA to give the Gov to the Dem) be counted as valid as some point.

There were also a whole bunch of vote by mail voters who surrendered, or claimed they couldn't find, their ballot. Personally, I think citizens need to endure the inconvenience of voting in person, but I can't understand why someone would forgo the convenience of voting in the comfort and privacy of their homes to voting in the precinct. except that many of them claimed they didn't ask to vote by mail. Guess what party they belonged to?

My guess? The fix is in, in subtle ways no one will never be able to prove. I can just hear Slick Willy testifying at the hearings, "You'll never find any evidence that we conspired to fix the election."

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