Friday, February 22, 2008

Correction: Nazi Agents Of Woe

I cannot fathom any other reason for Mi-O's attitude. She surely is speaking for her husband or he'd shut her up.


Unknown said...

Congrats Mike you have a good blog here. As for obama's wife, she is speaking for both of them.
She said it twice.

Anonymous said...

I always find it amusing how a white male feels qualified to comment on what a black American says regarding the black experience in this country. [g]

I believe she was commenting on the fact that finally, after 200 years, this country has matured enough to allow someone like Mr. Obama to run for President.

I am not suggesting I know exactly what she meant but I, unlike you, will not criticize what she spoke from the heart. But isn't that typical with the flag waving crowd? God forbid if anyone critcizes this country. After all, it's perfect isn't it?

Liberty Card said...

Gee raoula, maybe you missed Alan Keyes running for president, or Liddy Dole.

OOOOOHHH but that's right, they don't count because they are conservatives. It's only a good thing if the semi black (who was raised by lily white people in a lily white neighborhood and who attended lily white schools, btw) and the woman who married a lech to get where she is, run as Democrats.

Personally, I think a country that has ended slavery, stopped fascism from controlling the world, won the cold war, has a black woman as Secretary of State, whose highest paid entertainers are Oprah and Dr. Huxtable, has plenty to be proud of. And only a bigot would make an issue out of the fact that something someone said was uttered by a black.

But, that's just me...
... a conservative who judges folks by what they stand for, what they believe in, what they promote.

And we know all about you raoula, a woman hating bigot who would rather live in the sewage filled streets of Venezuela than the USA because their fascist dictator offer free generators to the po' folk of New Orleans.

Yah, come on back and post some more racist crap on my blog, raoula. I love it.

Liberty Card said...

BTW, raoula, if you are really concerned about extending a helping hand to those in need, where was your donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society?

It's the whole reason behind this blog, or did you miss that? (How bright is that?)

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention Colin Powell. But, alas, you also forgot to mention the MILLIONS of other black Americans who haven't been so fortunate. Also, what about Katrina? Ring a bell in that dense head? Didn't think so. Need I remind you of all the derisive comments posted by YOUR side regarding those victims? What about Kateri's video done to the song 'battle of New Orleans' in which it ridiculed them? Moving right along here:

"Personally, I think a country that has ended slavery,"

Slavery was merely one of many reasons for the civil war - most of the reasons had to do with economics. To wit:
There were a few reasons other then the slavery issue, that the
South disagreed on and that persuaded them to succeed from the Union.
Basically the North favored a loose interpretation of the United
States Constitution. They wanted to grant the federal government
increased powers. The South wanted to reserve all undefined powers to the individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer. It was bad for
the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its
cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were discriminatory and that they favored Northern commercial interests. Source:
Increasingly, the Northern states squared off against the Southern states. One of the main reasons for this was that the economic interests of north and south were opposed to each other. The South was largely comprised of small and large plantations that grew crops such as cotton which were labor intensive. The North, on the other hand, was more of a manufacturing center, using raw materials to create finished goods. Slavery had been abolished in the north but continued in the south due to the need for inexpensive labor and the ingrained culture of the plantation era. As new states were added to the United States, compromises had to be reached concerning whether they would be admitted as slave or as free states. The fear of both groups was for the other to gain an unequal amount of power. If more slave states existed, for example, then they would garner more power in the nation. Source:

stopped fascism from controlling the world, won the cold war,

You might wanna ask Prescott Bush about the fascism thing since he'd supported the nazis economically for a while. The cold war was won by economics 101 and NOT the senile gipper. He just happened to be in office when it happened. The soviet version of communism was doomed to fail from its beginnings but you'll have to study it like I did in order to glean this info. I won't do your homework for you (again) as I've done in the past.

And only a bigot would make an issue out of the fact that something someone said was uttered by a black.

I guess all of the other blacks who commented on it were bigots as well. Is Rush a bigot? He commented on it. What about O'Reilly who did so too? LOL

I see you are as EASY as ever to take apart. LOL

Liberty Card said...

"You forgot to mention Colin Powell. But, alas, you also forgot to mention the MILLIONS of other black Americans who haven't been so fortunate."
Thanks for pointing another American who was recognized for his value by PRESIDENT BUSH. As for the other "MILLIONS", what about them? Anyone who tries can find a way to blame others for woe they bring upon themselves. Blacks who try find that they can succeed and that some people are biggoted but the system is not, something you liberals won't admit.
"Also, what about Katrina? Ring a bell in that dense head? Didn't think so. Need I remind you of all the derisive comments posted by YOUR side regarding those victims? What about Kateri's video done to the song 'battle of New Orleans' in which it ridiculed them?"
See above. The people in other cities and states that suffered massive damage from natural disasters don't sit around blaming George Bush for the hurricane, tornado, or earthquake that wrecked their homes. They take pains to prepare for it ahead of time (like School Bus Ray Nagin was supposed to do) and then they roll up their sleeves and fix what's broke after the disaster hits. You America haters would rather blather on endlessly about how the government isn't taking care of you. How about if the government moves everyone out of New Orleans because it's below sea level and only a moron would live there and not expect flooding? Maybe the government's best course of action is to declare the current residents too stupid to live there. What that make you happy, socialist boy? For what it's worth, Kateri's video was a hoot. Folks who can't laugh at themselves need more fiber in their diet.

"Slavery was merely one of many reasons for the civil war - most of the reasons had to do with economics."
I'm missing something, are you saying we didn't end slavery? Unless your argument is meant to support state's rights, I fail to see how it's got anything to do with the fact that we ended slavery.

"You might wanna ask Prescott Bush about the fascism thing since he'd supported the nazis economically for a while. The cold war was won by economics 101 and NOT the senile gipper. He just happened to be in office when it happened"
You are increditably stupid or purposely obtuse. Again, I must be missing something, the Cold War is over, isn't it? The countries previously enslaved by communism are now embracing the system you and your fellow travellers are trying to replace with communism. How stupid is that?
"I guess all of the other blacks who commented on it were bigots as well. Is Rush a bigot? He commented on it. What about O'Reilly who did so too?"
Commenting on something said, is not the same as commenting on the race of the one who said it. That's something you do, so, yes, I guess you are a bigot.

"I see you are as EASY as ever to take apart."
Nice try. But you took apart things I didn't say, which makes you as phony and self centrered as ever. (Now, let's see, you're going to say "Nope, not self centered, LOL", because you can't really debate an issue straight up.)