Saturday, December 22, 2007

Wind, Rain, Floods

Southern California just isn't a rain friendly place.

Up north, if you didn't want to ride in the rain, you didn't ride. Here, geography rules the day.

Only got 41 miles in. The gullies were flooded (interesting CALTRANS strategy, allow passage into the flooded area, but not out - or one way open, the other way blocked. Anyway, it cut down the ridable trail. And with the maniacs skidding all over the place on the real road, I played it safe.

41.21 3:15:06:90

What's going to kill me: Approaching an intersection riding next to a "Tokyo Burn" Full Race Huyndai, the light ahead goes yellow. I slow to a stop, the pocket racer next to me floors it, hits the intersection as the light turns red. A bike on the other side, anxious to avoid the traffic accelerates at the green.....

Coulda been ugly, but the biker was skilled, avoided the maniac - this time. Yellow means stop if you can, not speed up and kill someone coming from the other way.

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