Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Best President Ever?

I'm beginning to like B-HO as President. He is starting off by waffling on everything, from his defense appointments to his tax cut/increase (whatever his position is today). And his stand on the current dustup in the Middle East is just classic of an inept leader.

Now, some who like the leadership of the thug Chavez think B-HO's going to bring the paradise that is Venezuela to the US. They seem to think raw sewage running through the streets of towns and villages is just swell. And we know they want to shut down voices critical of The One, his supplicants, and his retainers.

But lo, they will be disappointed, B-HO will do nothing, just like Slick Willy, and that will be great for America.

Fight On (to borrow the USC slogan) Loyal Opposition!

1 comment:

Liberty Card said...

I can't wait for the conservatives in his cabinet to put The One in a bind.