Monday, December 22, 2008

Homos On The Move

First of all, let's take a perfectly good word back.

I can't sing "now we don our gay apparel" without feeling a twinge of slimy-ness. Why did we let "gay" mean homosexual? Because the term homosexual is awful, even though it perfectly describes what 'gay' people are. Why don't they want to use that? Why'd they have to take such a happy word and make it mean something sexual, stealing it from common lexicon?

I just listened to some homosexual on Hardball telling me that 'gay' people are the real uniters of the world as born out by history. Really? How so? By changing the meaning of words? By teaching children that two mommies or two daddies is ok and natural, in spite of all evidence to the contrary?

He also demanded that Rick Warren convene a sit down with the National Gay and Lesbian/Transgendered/NAMBLA/Crossdresser/Necrophiliac leadership and talk with them.

Why should he do that? So the aforementioned group can get him to say the bible is wrong, or that he has misinterpreted the bible? Maybe they want him to say homosexual marriage is ok.

But is it? Marriage is a religious term. It has always meant the uniting of man and woman. Homos live outside this religious term, but they want to force religions to redefine what marriage means. Where's the ACLU? Homos living in a committed relationship have all the same legal rights that married people have, but the right to call themselves married. They want to force a secular definition of marriage on religious people - in effect causing government to intrude on religious beliefs. Doesn't this violate their precious construct of the separation of church and state.

I'm not a Rick Warren fan, but I hope he tells them to go to hell.


Anonymous said...

When the overweight Warren tells them to 'go to hell', does that include Brock, Ed Boston's son?

Curious minds just REALLY wanna know so they can shove your words, once more, down your throat..

Liberty Card said...

Get a clue, Barbara - it's not homos he'll be telling to go to hell, it'll be those, like you who think you can force a non religious definition of a religious institution on The Church.

Once again, you fail to exhibit either critical thinking skills, or the ability to understand English.

I should think you'd have graduated from middle school by now, and would have some of the basic skills needed to discuss topics with adults.

PS Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous said...

Once again, you fail to exhibit either critical thinking skills, or the ability to understand English.

Please stop using the ole NJ GOP (Susan Kaminski) strawman with me. I practice critical thinking MORE than all of you put together. That's why I can see neocons for what they really are - a bigger threat to our country than any alleged terrorists from abroad.

And you're quite welcome about reading your blog since I, obviously, am the ONLY one doing so. You might call it a 'pity' you know what.. ROFL

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot - the NYC officer is my brother in the pic. Guess who the other guy is? LOL


Liberty Card said...

Ha ha ha.

You have to constantly claim how smart you are because you're the only one who thinks so.
As for 'the picture', I don't know, Barbara, what picture?

And you need to get a life if you think I give a rip who reads it. It is for my entertainment, if some dipstick like you stops by with some canon fodder, so much the better.

Have a nice night, Barbra.

Anonymous said...

Never said anything about 'how smart I am'. DID say I practice critical thinking good enough to know all of YOU inside out. Would you REALLY like me to share what I've learned about people like YOU? I don't think so.

You obviously don't really read anything someone posts otherwise you would respond directly to what was posited. Perhaps that is why your blog is so dreary, just like you. Maybe that's why you were ditched by that honey when you were 'in country' so long ago. LOL

Liberty Card said...

Well, there you go again, giving advice you should be taking. Since you can't discuss the merits of the issue, you... well it's no wonder you can only count your friends on one hand.

Liberty Card said...

Oh, BTW Barbara, I think I found your picture over at LibHippos: