Friday, June 6, 2008

BHO Fatigue

I speak only for myself, of course, but isn't the constant obsessing about B-HO, Sir Shrillarly, and McClinton getting just a little bit wearisome?

There is a strange connection between this and a new book that is all the rage in jolly Olde England.
Nick Davies has written a book about the lack of intellectual integrity in the new media (as if we didn't already know THAT!) which you can find out about here:

There are plenty of reasons why BHO is dangerous for America and the world, but the media is studiously ignoring those things and concentrating on the personalities of the candidates.

Like running for high school class president, this election is all about popularity, and in true flat earth fashion, since we can't see beyond the horizon, and now reporter is willing to go there and look, that's all we get.

Somebody wake me up when it's over.

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