Saturday, October 18, 2008

Voter Fraud

My computer screen is unresponsive. I scream at it constantly: "Wake Up, Dammit! The election is a hoax perpetrated by government!", but it doesn't hear me, it doesn't respond, it just keeps showing me the evidence, voter registrations, poll results that are so obviously fake that not even Goofy in a Disney cartoon would be able to miss it.

The Dems are planning a super majority in Congress, B-HO's 'transition' team is already meeting, the media are reporting that it will be a B-HO landslide. How do they know that?


When I first got the right to vote, you had to be 21. You had to register well in advance of the PRIMARY election (you couldn't vote in the General otherwise), you had to show your registration card at the polling place, only military and certain citizens living abroad could vote absentee, and the ballot had to be cast within days of the actual election date, note months before hand.

It isn't ACORN that is responsible for this, it's government, government that abets fraud, and we, my friends are the losers. No matter who wins next month, he will be bathed in the stink of fraud, and no election can ever be considered fair until we the people get control over the voter registration process once again.

I find it curious, also, that in spite of the evidence, not one politician, state, local or otherwise, has made voter fraud and election reform an issue.