Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Econ 101

The beauty of the current 'crisis' is that it shows who has an understanding of the economy and who doesn't.

First, let's take the Democrat Party. They have been saying that 'Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy' are the cause of economic woe.

Well then, why is B-HO saying he'd leave them in place if the economy is bad? People! Please! This about it. If the tax cuts caused the problem, shouldn't rescinding them fix the problem?

Second, the notion that something has to be done or the economy will crash. Um, just go go here and read Walter E. Williams' lesson on the economy:

In God We Trust,
Liberty Card

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where's B-HO

Well, now that Sarah, ah, Gov Palin, is on a ticket, the luster has come off B-HO's star.

Haaaa haaa haaa.